Friday, August 1, 2008

Have You DECIDED Yet?

Okay, now that we know we deserve to have the life we want - and we know that no matter how bad our current circumstances are, we can change them - it's time to get to the next step. This step is all about making a decision that we are going to change our lives. This is crucial. No matter how desparately you long for a different reality, nothing will ever change until you decide that you want it to change. I know this sounds quite obvious, but stop for a moment and ask yourself:

*Have I really made a clear-cut decision to have a new life... or do I just hope things will change?
*Have I decided exactly what I want my life to be like... or do I just have a vague feeling that things ought to change?
*Have I decided and planned a method of getting to where I want... or do I just hope things will happen by themselves

These are three crucial questions you need to ask yourself in order to determine whether you really have made that all-important decision or not. If you can answer 'Yes! I've done that!' to all three questions, then you know that you are heading in the right direction - and the manifestation of your ideal life is only a matter of time.
But if your answer was 'Well, not really, I mean maybe, but you know...' then that's a sign that you haven't yet made that decision to well and truly change your life. If that's the case, then you need to work on finding out what it is that you really want in your life. It's not enough to simply say 'I hate my life the way it is, I want out!' If you really want to see yourself living a better life, you have to be more specific. The fact that you know what you don't want (your currrent situation) is a good starting point. This is where transformation begins. But to take it to the next level, you need to know the opposite - what you do want. By knowing both, you are putting the wheels of transformation into action - so that it will manifest in reality.

Some people struggle with this. They can very easily pinpoint and write a list of all the things in their life that annoy, frustrate, worry, trouble and bother them. But for some reason, they find it difficult to write down exactly how they want their life to be. Why is that so?
The answer is usually because they don't know what they want. They haven't envisioned the reality they would like to have. This is perhaps the biggest setback anyone could have. If you don't know what you want, how do you expect to get it? If you don't know what to buy when you go shopping - if you haven't written a list - then you can't expect to buy the things you want. Instead, you'll end up buying all sorts of products - some useful, some useless. It's the same with your life. You'll end up attracting a mixture of random situations and circumstances because you haven't defined or decided what you want.

Don't wait for life to throw its blessings at you. Don't just sit there, hoping and wishing for a better life. Life won't randomly come knocking at your door to present you with its bounties. That's not the way the Universe works!

It's time for you to make that critical decision and plan in detail exactly what you want your life to be! And the great thing is when you do, things just start happening! That's right - once you make that decision, everything starts to work in your favour to make your work that much easier. Life no longer becomes an uphill battle. It starts becoming more like walking on an even surface. Then eventually - when your dreams start to take form and appear one by one - life becomes like a downhill silde: almost effortless.

So - are you ready?! Go on and make a decision! You'll be glad you did.

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