Sunday, August 3, 2008

Have You Found Your Purpose In Life?

The purpose (or meaning) of life is a question that has intrigued mankind throughout the ages. Many have proposed theories in an attempt to answer this ever mysterious question. Yet mankind as a whole has never been able to agree upon any particular answer. That's because there is no 'one size fits all' aspect to life.

We as human beings all share the same basic qualities physically, mentally and spiritually. But at the same time, we are all extremely unique and different from one another in the way we utilize these common qualities.

It is because of this uniqueness and individuality of human beings that there can never be such a thing as 'The Meaning of Life'.

That is, of course, until we manage to somehow clone an entire race out of one individual. Which will never happen (hopefully).

What I'm getting at is we all need to find our own reason to wake up in the morning. For many of us, it's our day job that does the trick. And some strong coffee.

But if you were to look deeper, and really get in touch with your true essence - who you are - you'll come to a realization that your life on this planet is (or at least should be) much more meaningful that a mere eight-hour-a-day job. But you might be one of the lucky ones who completely devour their job and do what they love every single day. You may be one of the few that have found their purpose in life.

But for the rest of us, some searching needs to be done. Within our souls is a yearning 'to be' and 'to do'. Most of us, most of the time, ignore this inspiration from within. There's just so much going through our heads the whole time we're awake (and probably while asleep too) that just completely drowns out the voice of our true calling in life. So how do we bring ourselves to hear that voice again?

One thing I've learned to value over the years is setting aside time to be alone. An hour or even a few minutes - whatever works best for you - that will allow you to clear your mind of all that clutter from work, your friends, television, and everything else that's constantly trying to get as many thoughts as possible into your mind.

This time allows you to contemplate the troublesome and problematic aspects of your life. It gives you an opportunity to arrange and organize - sometimes even dispose of - all the miscellaneous thoughts and emotions that are occupying your mind.

Once you've sorted out your thoughts and emotions, you are left in a state that is more conductive towards clear thinking. Clarity of thought is what enables us to not only sort out our problems, but also to find out what we're really supposed to be doing with ourselves. It allows us to find real solutions.

The next time you find yourself coming home at the end of a long day, with your head full of frustrating thoughts and emotions, just take some time out to clear your mind. You might need to take half an hour or more. If ten minutes does it for you, then that's great. It's not important how long you work through it. What counts is how you feel by the end.

And hopefully by the end you'll discover your purpose.

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