Thursday, July 31, 2008

Why Does My Life Suck?

That's probably a question we've all asked ourselves at one point or another. Something drastic happened and now you're on a quest for answers. You may have lost your job, your partner, your money, your dog/cat... or maybe your whole life is nothing more than a domino effect of problems. Whatever it is, you can't help feeling constantly frustrated - asking yourself the timeless question "Why me?!" Answers are like a mirage, you think you may have found them in the distance... until you get closer... crap, it's an illusion...

But is there really a reason why your life turned out the way it did? Do you blame fate and misfortune... being in the wrong place at the wrong time... I was just unlucky... whatever I try to do, I fail... I have the magic ability of making money disappear... maybe life isn't for everyone?

If you've ever had those kinds of thoughts, don't worry - you're not alone. Many people end up doing so - myself included. The danger is that such thoughts can lead to disastrous circumstances - depression, mental illness, sickness, disease, poverty... even suicide.

I'm not exaggerating here. The result of having such destructive thoughts can be as frightening as the above-mentioned situations. I have personally experienced this, and I know of many others who have too.

This is why it is so crucial to get to the bottom of your problems and start transforming your life before it's too late!


Okay, now that we've understood your situation, and we know the tragic outcome that could result... what do we do about it? How do you change your life for the better and get rid of all that garbage that's known as your life?

Now we get to the practical solutions.

First of all - before you can begin to work through your problems one at at time - you need to acknowledge that you deserve to have the life you've always wanted. It's not enough to just wish and hope - you need to go deep down to that part of yourself that knows who you really are. Nobody deserves to have a life that sucks, no matter how much it may appear to be that way. You have the right to have a life that's fulfilling, enjoyable, and purposeful.

But sometimes it's hard to believe when you look at your present reality. Even so, just remember that there are countless people over the ages that have had a really bad life at one stage or another. Did you know that a lot of highly successful people came from a childhood of poverty, oppression, illness and a whole bunch of other disasters? In case you don't believe me, I'll mention just a few prominent personalities of the past and present who had a great amount of misfortune in their lives:

*John Lennon (orphan, Mother died while he was still a child)
* Oprah Winfrey (poor as a child)
*Joe Vitale (was homeless, living on the streets. Now he's a successful author and entrepreneur) *John DeMartini (was homeless, now a successful writer and speaker on personal development).
There are a lot more people who went through similar circumstances, but I honestly can't remember all of them. The whole point of this is so that you can understand:

No matter how terrible, how painful, how miserable, how worthless your life may seem like now, nothing can stand in the way of you living your dreams if YOU make the DECISION TO DO SO!

And that brings me to the next step: making a definite and clear-cut decision to change your life. Keep an eye out for the next post where I will cover that topic in more detail.

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